What Console is Alone in the Dark on?

Alone in the Dark is a spine-chilling survival horror video game series originally crafted by Infogrames. Debuted in 1992.

What is Alone in the dark all about?

The first game in the series was made by Infogrames and came out for PC in 1992. It was one of the earliest games to use 3D characters on painted backgrounds.

Alone in the Dark (1992)

Jack in the Dark (1993)

During the second game's development, a small promotional game called Jack in the Dark was released for Christmas '93. It came on a single floppy disk wrapped in gold paper, featuring a Jack-in-the-box illustration.

Alone in the Dark 2, created by Infogrames and launched for PC in 1993, took a different path from the first game. It focused more on action, featuring more firearms and shootouts compared to its predecessor.

Alone in the Dark 2 (1993)

Alone in the Dark 3, Also released for PC in 1995, was the final game to use the original engine and characters. It went back to the gameplay style of the first game.

Alone in the Dark 3 (1995)

The next-gen entry in the Alone in the Dark series was developed by Darkworks And took inspiration from the Resident Evil series. Released on PlayStation and Dreamcast, and by Spiral Studios for PC and PlayStation 2

Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (2001)

Alone in the Dark, developed by Eden Games for PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360, and by Hydravision Entertainment for PlayStation 2 and Wii, shifted the series back to its survival horror roots.

What Console is Alone in the Dark on?