Unlocking Potential: Avoid These 5 Mistakes with Chevreuse in Genshin Impact

1. Not Teaming Chevreuse with Electro and Pyro Characters

 Chevreuse unique utility is Overloaded reaction-based perks but for this effect to come into play one should use at least one Pyro and one Electro member.

2nd mistake people make is, Not Understanding Her Healing Utility !.

Chevreuse is also able to heal, however, that her Elemental Skill will only heal the active character on the field at certain intervals, not the entire party unless players have access to her sixth constellation once again.

3. Focusing on Elemental Mastery

Players are recommended not to focus on Elemental Mastery when building her, unless they are going for unique builds and team compositions.

4. Not Knowing Her Talent Priority

It is important to know the talent priority for each character. In her case, the most important talent is her Elemental Skill, as it allows her to heal and deal the most damage for her kit.

5. Not Using Hold on Her Elemental Skill

Her hold skill simply allows her to deal more Pyro damage in a larger area, as long as players have previously triggered an Overloaded reaction.