Is Devil Survivor 2 connected to 1?

Devil Survivor 2: The Animation is a 2013 Japanese anime based on Atlus' Nintendo DS game, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2.


Hibiki Kuze and Daichi Shijima get eerie death predictions from Nicaea website, moments before a gruesome train accident.

Hibiki Kuze  

Hibiki, the 18-year-old protagonist, gains the power to summon demons from Nicaea following a train accident on his way home from mock exams.

Devil Survivor 2 connected to 1 

Despite being titled Devil Survivor 2, Hibiki emphasizes that the series is not a sequel but a standalone story.

Daichi Shijima 

Daichi, Hibiki's best friend, also gains the ability to summon demons from Nicaea after the train accident they both experienced together.


Devil Survivor 2: The Animation was produced by the Bridge animation studio in Japan, with a dedicated team known as the Devil Survivor 2 team.