How to Install Mods in GTA 5?

The game's replayability contributes to its success, but the ability for players to easily mod it on PC is also a significant factor.

How do mods in GTA 5 elevate gameplay, and what changes do players typically make?

With mods in GTA 5, players can delve into fresh experiences, tweak UI elements, and more, expanding the game's possibilities.

1. Download and install Script Hook V. 2. Extract the files and move ScriptHookV.dll and dinput8.dll to the main GTA 5 folder.

Installing Mods in GTA 5

Move the following files to the game’s directory:

– ScriptHookVDotNet.asi – ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll – ScriptHookVDotNet3.dll

A Word of Caution

1. Locate GTA 5 in your Steam library. 2. Right-click on the game and select Properties. 3. Locate and click on Local Files. 4. Select Verify Integrity of Game Cache.

This process reinstalls the game's original files, deleting all mods. You'll have to reinstall mods if needed later.