Free Download of PlayStation 5 Exclusive – No Catch!

It’s tough trying to play exclusives without a cost attached.

But sometimes, on rare occasions, an exclusive comes your way that has absolutely no strings attached.

What is The most recent and exhilarating free exclusive to fall into our laps?

PlayStation 5’s Silent Hill: The Short Message.

Those of you who hoping for an update on Silent Hill 2. Thankfully, we got it .

What is the launch date for the update?

Unfortunately there is no definitive launch date for the game.

However, what was even more exciting was the P.T. atmospherics of another Silent Hill outing nobody anticipated.

Silent Hill: The Short Message is waiting for gamers on the PS store right now. No catch. Besides the nightmarish creations you’ll face .

What is the story of Silent Hill  al about?

The game gives us a contemporary and relatable story that will have dread munch at you as you try to escape from The Villa.