Devil Jin Combo Guide in Tekken 8 - Heat Moves, Rage Art, and Combos

Tekken 8 Devil Jin: Rage Art and Heat Move

– 1, 2, 3, 4 (left punch, right punch, left kick, right kick) to denote the action buttons. – u, d, b, f (up, down, back, forward) for directions.

Rage Art

Devil Dimension: Tainted Chains- During Rage d/f, 1+2

Heat Burst: When Heat activation is available, 2+3 – Rakshasa’s Fury: b, 2, 3 – Wicked Jambu Spear: b, 3 – Wraith Kick: u/f, 4

Heat Move

Demon’s Paw: f, F, 2 – Dark Arachnid Twister: During Mourning Crow (f, 3), 2, 2 – Wheel of Pain> Annihilation Beam: During Heat [4, 3], 1+2

Devil Jin combo examples in Tekken 8 d, 3+4> d/f, 3, 2, 4, U> during Fly, 2

Let’s begin with an easy combo that any Tekken 8 beginner should be able to execute .

f, n, d/f, 2> u, 1+2> during Heat, f, F, 2, F> b, 2, 1> b, f, 2, 1, 2

The Heat System has helped Devil Jin dominate in Tekken 8. This combo is a perfect example.

f, n, d/f, 2> f, n, d/f, 2> d/f, 3, 2, 4, U> during Fly, 4, on hit, 2, 1+2

This Devil Jin combo is certainly quite powerful to use in any match, as it inflicts a whopping 69 damage to a target.