Endless Legend: How to Get More Heroes?

Endless Legend is a turn-based strategy game, which means it is a type of wargame in which the players take turns when they play. This game was developed by Amplitude Studios and published by Iceberg Interactive for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. The main purpose of this game is to dominate the land of Auriga. This is the second game made by Amplitude Studios in the title of the Endless series. In the starting, you will have only a single hero, but as you continue the game, other heroes will join you.

How do we get more heroes?

In this game, the heroes are those special characters who play very important roles in the government. The roles played by the heroes are managing the cities, overseeing the army, or spying on the enemies. Each hero has unique skills based on the specific function they have to perform. As they gain new experiences, they learn new abilities to become more effective than before.

When the game is started, initially, one hero is given to one empire. But later, as the game continues, you can earn additional heroes. You get the additional heroes you have to purchase from the marketplace or by completing quests.

How do we get heroes from the marketplace?

As discussed earlier, the heroes are mostly obtained from the marketplace, while some can also be obtained as rewards by completing the quests. To get a hero from the marketplace, you have to research the Era I Technology, which is known as the Mercenary Market.

By doing this, you can unlock the units and the heroes section of the marketplace. In order to access the marketplace, you have to click on the button which is situated between the Diplomacy screen button and the Espionage screen button.

After reaching the marketplace, you have to look for the heroes. You will see that there are ten heroes which are available for purchase, and after you make ten turns, you’ll see that new heroes will appear. Among all these heroes, you will see that there are two or three heroes that are available to you only for a limited period, that is, only around 15 turns.

This means that you will be able to purchase them only during this specified period. All you have to do is select the hero that you want to buy and then complete the process of purchasing the hero. Once you purchase the heroes, they are sent to the academy, where you can assign them various roles, such as governors, etc.

How do you get heroes through quests?

You can also get heroes by completing specific quests in the game. But this method of getting heroes is less common.


In this article, we looked at how to get heroes in the Endless Legend game. There are two methods of getting them. One is by purchase from the market, and the other by completing quests. The first method is the most common method of getting heroes.

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